As an academician I am interested not only in teaching but also in pursuing research activities. As a teacher, I believe in imparting such training to my students as will create in them the quest for knowledge so that they are inspired to work using that knowledge both for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of the larger society and human beings.
Graduated from Bhairab Ganguli College, Belgharia, kolkata with Honours in Geography and was awarded the M.Sc. Degree in Geography, by the University of Calcutta. Passed the State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) for Lectureship in Geography conducted by the University Grants Commission in 2005 and awarded the Ph.D Degree in Geography by the University of Calcutta in 2022.
My doctoral work is on “Changing Economy and Status of Employment- A Case Study of Serampur Subdivision of Hugli District, West Bengal”. My professional career as a teacher started in the year 2004 and simultaneously I started my research career as well. The only source of my research funds was my service. My professional career initiated as a School teacher thereafter I eventually joined as an Assistant Professor of Geography through College Service Commission in 2006 and joined as a lecturer in Asutosh College, Kolkata.Since 2009 I have supervised more than 40 dissertations project of P.G students.
. To search the beauty of nature and explore the unknown I visited many countries including France, Italy, Kenya, South Africa, Thailand, Dubai, Abudhabi, Singapore, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Spain, Portugal. I have deep interest in wildlife photography.
. Recently I am engaged in writing books for both undergraduate and post graduate students under CBCS curriculum. I have been published a book on “An Introduction to Rural Development-Concept and Applications” published from Global Net Publications, New Delhi in January 2023 and the Bengali version of the book is yet to publish by June 2023 from the same publisher.
Academic Interest
Cartography, Human Geography, Rural Development, Disaster Management